Wednesday 19 August 2015

#PitchWars Mentee Profile...

Hello, my name is Erin. Long time lurker, first time (possible!) mentee!

(Okay, that's not actually true, because I just discovered and fell in love with this whole Pitch Wars idea. Which is awesomely cool, by the way! Someone needs to get Brenda Drake a cookie, stat!)

Oh, right, this is supposed to be about me... so, here goes:

I have a bachelor of applied science degree in Kinesiology, so of course, I work in finance. I know, it makes complete sense, doesn't it? Yeah, try explaining it to my mother! But what I really am, is a writer (bet you didn't see that coming, did ya?). I've been writing for as long as I can remember. For my tenth birthday I received a manual typewriter (yes, I am that old!)

Which kinda looked something like this... and may or may not still be somewhere in my parent's basement! I remember being so jealous because my mom had an electric typewriter, where you could go back and actually erase words. And by that I mean, it had a whiteout option that would work backwards, erasing one letter at a time. Did I mention it did this in reverse? Tres cool!

Anyway... I'm a huge geek (if you've clicked on any of my other blog posts you will see this in spades) who collects comic books and loves movies and TV. And when you combine the two... well, I'm in heaven!

I'm sorry, I think I might have drooled on myself a little!

But what you probably didn't know, is that like a superhero, I also have a secret identity! Okay, so it's really not all that secret, because I tell anyone who'll listen, but whatever. My other, other life is as a writer and editor for a very cool pop culture website ( where I put my love and knowledge of geek culture to good use on a daily basis. But the fun doesn't stop there! I also have been known to write an editorial or two, and am a huge advocate for Women In Film (both behind and in front of the camera!) If you want to know what all the fuss is about, I can help you with that:

Why Is Hollywood Such An Old Boys Club? Examining The Role Of Women In Film And The Old-School Traditions Of Hollywood.

Sadly, my blog and movie reviews have fallen by the wayside due to a full-time job, the website work and my current work in progress, but whatcha gonna do? Sometimes there's not enough hours in the day, or funds in your bank account, to do all the fun stuff you want to do.

And now that we've done the serious stuff, it's time for a little Firefly. Because, let's face it, when isn't it time for Firefly?

I think we should call it... your grave! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

Oh, did I mention that I'm a hopeless romantic? Because I am! Totally, unabashedly, 100% in love with a happily ever after. Hence, why I write it. You know how they say "those who can't do, teach"? Yeah, well, apparently those who can't do romance, write about it.

Sad, but true. But the characters in my head keep me entertained, and mostly out of trouble.

My favorite authors include:

Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter (I know you see a pattern developing here, but I promise, I'm trying really hard to read outside of genre!), Ben Galley (see, I told you!) and George R.R. Martin.

As to why you should pick me? Well, because you love my characters as much as I do and want to help get their story to the masses. Or, because you think I'm cool and would love to hang out with me digitally for two months. You know, whichever works for you! 

Thursday 11 June 2015

Good Vibrations All Around! My Review Of LOVE & MERCY...

Going in to Love & Mercy, I admit that I knew very little about Brian Wilson. A founding member of the Beach Boys, I knew that he suffered from a mental illness and was the father of Wendy and Carney Wilson, of Wilson Phillips fame, who just happened to be one of my favorite bands as a teenager. That was it. That was the extent of my knowledge on this musical legend.

Holy crap, was I blown away by this film! I mean seriously, you have to check out this movie, if for nothing else than to get a sense of who Brian Wilson was and is. The film consists of two simultaneous stories, one taking place in the 1960's during the Beach Boys heyday and one taking place during a tumultuous time in his life during the 1980's.

Paul Dano is incredible as a young Brian Wilson. We're talking awards season calibre performance here, which I am scared is going to get lost in the shuffle as the year goes on. Not that Dano doesn't shine in everything he does, but here he really, truly does. His performance is understated and yet, at the same time, completely over the top, which I know doesn't make a lot of sense, but will once you see this film. He brings such heart to the character that you can't help but root for him, even when you know that maybe he's not on the right path.

John Cusack is just as fantastic as an older Brian Wilson, at the height of his struggle with mental illness. His performance is truly heart wrenching, in both its scope and subtlety. Another performance that I hope is going to be remembered come awards season, although again, I'm not holding my breath. Elizabeth Banks shines as Melinda Ledbetter, the woman who eventually saves Wilson and Paul Giamatti does what he does best as the creepy Dr. Eugene Landy. Seriously, the cast and their performances are amazing, and definitely worth the price of admission.

Overall the film is an interesting look at an interesting man and the trials and tribulations that make him who he is today. I recommend the film, not only for the unforgettable performance of Paul Dano, but also for the look into the psyche of a musical icon. I came out knowing a whole lot more about Brian Wilson and with a newfound respect for everything that he's accomplished in his life. He is someone who should be celebrated for his musical genius and the best way to do that is to go out and see this film.

Love & Mercy           4.75/5

I Spy Hilarity! My Review Of Paul Feig's SPY...

Say what you will, but when Melissa McCarthy teams up with Paul Feig, it’s comedy gold! For whatever reason, these two just get each other and it shows in everything they do together, usually bringing the laughs by the bucketful. And Spy is no exception.

What I liked about this film was both the chemistry of the cast and the fact that McCarthy isn't doing her regular old schtick. Sure, there are pratfalls and physical comedy throughout, but it’s different this time because McCarthy’s Susan Cooper isn't a one note character, bumbling through life and bordering on idiotic. She’s smart and capable and I really think that McCarthy shines when she’s playing these types of characters. (Those that are similar to the character she plays on Mike & Molly!). I hope she embraces these types of roles and just goes for it in the future. Not everyone of her characters needs to be a moron to be funny.

And seriously, Rose Byrne needs to do more comedy! Between this and last year’s hit, Neighbours, she more than proves that she’s not only sexy, but funny as hell. Of course, she also needs to play more bad guys because she’s just so good at it. Jude Law is great as the suave, but clueless James Bond knockoff, but was a bit underused in the film overall. Miranda Hart and Peter Serafinowicz are absolutely hilarious as a couple of CIA agents to round out the supporting cast. But let’s face it, Jason Statham absolutely steals the show in this one! His take on the macho, stereotypical secret agent is delightful and shows that the action star has great comedic timing, as well as no problem making fun of himself and the genre.

Overall, I had a great time with this film. I found myself laughing out loud on a number of occasions, and even if the plot was slightly generic, it was a great riff on the spy genre as a whole. I am actually going to say that I hope they make a sequel to this film, as I would love another opportunity to catch up with these characters and see what else they have in store for us. Another mission, anyone?

Spy      4/5 

Monday 1 June 2015

What’s The Hawaiian Word For Disappointing? My Review Of Aloha…

Why, Cameron, why? That’s what continued to run through my brain as I exited the theatre this weekend after screening Cameron Crowe’s latest, Aloha. How could everything, that looked so amazing on paper, have gone so horribly, horribly wrong? But sadly, it did.

I really wanted to love this movie, because I love Cameron Crowe. I think that, for the most part, he’s an amazing filmmaker and I’m always interested in whatever he’s doing next. And yes, I am one of those people who really liked Elizabethtown and I will totally defend it against all of you naysayers! Was it perfect? No, but it was at least watchable, unlike his newest, Aloha.

This film suffers from an acute identity crisis. Is it a romantic comedy? A family drama? An international spy thriller? I honestly don’t think anyone, least of all Cameron Crowe, knows because this film tries to be all of these things and ends up a jumbled mess. The 3 story arcs that make up the plot of the film have absolutely nothing to do with one another, other than the fact that they are meant to show the growth of Bradley Cooper’s character, and honestly, by the time we get to the end, no one really cares.

Now, there are things to like about this film. First and foremost, the cast is amazing. It’s such a shame that they are utterly wasted in a forgettable film. Bradley Cooper has made a career playing the flawed hero and here, he doesn’t disappoint. While his character isn’t exceptionally well fleshed out, he brings enough to it that you kind of want to see him win. Emma Stone is fantastic, as always, as the neurotic, but likeable love interest. Her character would have benefited from a bit more fleshing out as well, although overall, this is a small quibble as she does get plenty of screen time. I think her character fell victim to a brutal final edit. Rachel McAdams shines in what little she is given, but honestly, John Krasinki steals the show in an understated and subtle, yet highly memorable performance.

Ultimately, this film just tries too hard, and ultimately crashes and burns. I think that if Crowe had eliminated one of the story arcs (those that have seen the film probably know which one I’m talking about) and focused on the other two, this would have been a pretty special film. There are touches of that Cameron Crowe brilliance, including the final scene of the film which is so stunning and heartfelt it will bring a tear to your eye, but overall it just doesn’t work. And I really, really, really wanted it to work. When the first thought out of your head is, I wonder what someone like David O. Russell could have done with this film, you know you’re in trouble.

Aloha              2/5 

The Future Isn't So Bright! Review: Tomorrowland

I hate it when one of my most anticipated films of the year ends up being a dud. And this year, that appears to be the case in a number of instances. I was excited for this film. I love Brad Bird and think that he’s an amazing filmmaker. I was looking forward to seeing what he had in store for us. I mean, the man turned down a Star Wars film to make Tomorrowland, so it had to be something special, right?

Yeah, not so much! That’s not to say that the film is bad, because it’s not. It’s just that it is not what I (or a number of others, I'm sure) thought it was going to be. The marketing for the film was interesting and promised something special. What we got was a pretty generic Disney film, through and through, fully aimed at a family/younger audience. And that’s not a bad thing… it was just completely unexpected.

Visually, the film is lovely. The actual shots of Tomorrowland itself were amazing, and I would expect nothing less from Bird. And the cast does a great job with what they are given. I had heard rumblings that many thought George Clooney was miscast, but I don't see it. I thought that he did a good job and his character had a nice little story arc that came full circle. Britt Robertson was pretty dynamic as the lead and I look forward to seeing what she has in store for us next. For me, however, the show was completely stolen by Raffey Cassidy. Her turn as Athena is fantastic and worth the price of admission alone. A bright spot in an otherwise uneven story.

Aside from the fact that it wasn't what I expected, the film suffers from a weak script, especially in the third act. A film that could have been revolutionary felt kind of generic, hitting all the same beats and tropes as any other family film. The villain was weak and the macguffin was so contrived it was almost laughable. Everything was set up so that it could all be explained in the allotted 2 hours, whether it truly made sense in the grand scheme of things or not.

Overall, the film was a letdown for me, mainly because I think I had such high expectations going in and I really wanted to love it. The probably 12 year old girls who were also in my screening, absolutely loved the film and couldn't stop gushing about it, so apparently I'm not the demographic. If Disney had marketed the film properly, as the family friendly film that it is, they might have seen a slightly better box office draw. As it is, the film will go down as a pretty big disappointment to many. At least this means that Brad Bird can turn his focus to things that matter, like The Incredibles 2.

Tomorrowland                        3/5

Monday 25 May 2015

What A Lovely Day, Indeed! Review: Mad Max: Fury Road

Who would have thought that one of the most violent, yet visually stunning action films ever created would also have such an interesting, feminist voice?

I’m going to start off by saying that this review is going to be slightly spoilery. I am trying to make my reviews as spoiler free as possible, but with this film, it’s just not going to work. This film needs to be discussed… so, you've been warned! And really, if you haven't seen it yet, you absolutely should!

I will admit, going into this film, I really didn't know much about it. Sure, I had seen the trailers (which were amazing!), but honestly, they really weren't all that informative when it came to plot... and that’s okay. I don't need everything spelled out for me in a trailer. It has been years (decades?) since I've seen the original films, so I was unsure if that would make a difference or not. Believe me, it didn’t.

While his name is on the title card and Max is there physically, he takes a back seat the strong women in this film. And, I'm okay with that. Tom Hardy has a presence on screen that is undeniable, so his just being there adds so much, even though his character doesn't utter more than a handful of words throughout the entirety film. I am serious when I say that I would pay to watch Hardy read the phone book, because he is just so incredible. This is another multi-layered performance for Hardy, who is quickly becoming a chameleon, able to seamlessly become every character he portrays.

I really liked Nicholas Hoult’s turn as Nux, as well. I think that Hoult is a really good actor and I am glad that he is branching out and choosing roles that are interesting and innovative. Hoult brought a subtlety and vulnerability to a character that could have very easily been one-dimensional, and it was interesting to see his development over the course of the film. From bad guy zealot to sacrificing hero over the course of two hours is hard to pull off, but Hoult does it with such heart that it’s completely believable. 

But this film really is Charlize Theron’s. Rumors that Furiosa was the star of this film were absolutely true and she utterly shines. Her turn as this amazing character has us all clamouring for a film of her own and I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen. But she wasn't the only one to stand out in this film. The five wives, whose lives made up the main story arc of the plot, were all exceptional (as were the women from the Green Place). It's great to see strong women taking action and deciding to change the course of their lives. Far too often female characters spend their time needing to be rescued, especially in big action set pieces, so the change of pace feels revelatory… which it shouldn’t and is actually quite sad, but that’s a discussion for another day. In a film whose marketing campaign was all about carnage, it was surprising (in such a good way!) to see the main plot of the film revolve around women no longer content with being considered objects and actually doing something about it. Hopefully it will once again show the powers that be that, if done right, gender and age don't mean a thing when it comes to audience engagement. (I'm not holding my breath, however!)
Of course, no discussion of this film would be complete without discussing the visuals. Miller and his team went above and beyond when it came to this film, and it shows. His reliance on practical effects and stunts place this film head and shoulders above the rest. It’s visually stunning and mind blowingly over the top and probably one of the best action movies ever made. Note to everyone out there; this is how you do an action movie! (Are you listening Michael Bay?) Through the mayhem and carnage, I was never at a loss as to what was going on, nor was I ever confuse as to what I was looking at or how it happened. The chaos was orchestrated like a beautiful symphony, right down the crescendo at the end. It was visceral, dark and glorious. Kudos to George Miller for bringing his vision to life and for not letting it get hijacked and turned into what the studio wanted it to be.  

I highly recommend that you check it out, preferably on the big screen, where you can bask in its awesomeness. I cannot wait to check out both the black and white and silent cuts of the film that are rumoured to be on the Blu-Ray release, later this year. What a lovely day!

Mad Max: Fury Road                         4.75/5  

Friday 22 May 2015

Better Late Than Never! My Review Of The Avengers: Age Of Ultron...

So, this review is going to contain spoilers for Age Of Ultron. I figure, if you haven't seen the film by now, you probably aren't going to, and if you're still reading, then you don’t care if you're spoiled. Either way, you have been warned…

I think that, going in, everyone’s expectations for The Avengers: Age Of Ultron were sky-high. The first film was amazing in both its scope and execution. The result of careful planning and a making sure all of the pieces were exactly where they needed to be. Sure, the idea looked great on paper, but how would it work in the real world? Just getting it to the screen was a feat in and of itself. The fact that the movie was great was just icing on the cake. But how was the studio going to top it?

According to a lot of people, they couldn't and frankly, didn’t. But I really do think that’s an unfair assessment. I get the idea that you need to compare it to something, especially since it’s the second film in a franchise, but I don't think it’s fair to compare it to the original. As I stated, the original was special, for many reasons, the main one being that it was the first of its kind. Never before had a franchise brought together and used its various characters in such a way. Ultimately, it was a fan boy’s wet dream. The Avengers, together, on the screen, at the same time. The problem is, by the time that AoU was released, it had become old hat. There was no shock and awe at seeing Thor and Captain America working together to defeat evil. No deep seated need to watch Tony Stark and Bruce Banner brainstorm. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

Ultimately, I think that a lot of folks got caught up in the comparisons, and found AoU lacking. Is it because it’s not as good? Possibly, although I would beg to differ. I think that most of it stems from the fact that people have placed the first Avengers film on a pedestal and are using its heightened esteem as an excuse. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love The Avengers. I just don't think it’s the perfect movie that others are making it out to be, all in an attempt to pull down the Age Of Ultron. I also think that many people are looking for any excuse to bring the juggernaut down, so they latched on to the ‘flaws’ of the film and ran with it, head first.

While I don't think that the film is perfect, I will absolutely admit to loving it. I have seen it twice now and actually found I enjoyed even more the second time. One of the more vocal issues that folks had with the film was the pacing. I didn't have a problem with it, with the exception of the whole Thor storyline. I thought that his part of the story, which was necessary in order to move the overall story arcs for Ragnarok and The Infinity War forward, was rushed and choppy and really didn’t make a whole lot of sense. I think that even five more minutes and a little exposition would have gone a long way in making it fit into the story a little more seamlessly. (Rumor has it that originally it was supposed to be Tom Hiddleston’s Loki in Thor’s dreamlike sequence, which I think would have had a lot more impact, especially since Thor thinks his brother is dead). Let’s hope that the rumors of an extended cut on Blu-Ray come to fruition and these scene makes more sense within the scope of the film.

The other issue that folks seemed to have with the film was Ultron himself. Many have complained that he wasn't menacing enough, or that he was too comical. And I get that. (Marvel has always struggled with their villains and I've even wrote an article at my other ‘job’ about it, which you can check out here!) Ultimately, he wasn't what I expected either, but I'm okay with that, because he was still amazing, as was James Spader’s portrayal of him. I think one of the things that people failed to understand is that he is nothing more than a petulant child. Out to prove that he is better than and at the same time, nothing like his ‘father,’ Tony Stark. They also didn't seem to get his motivations. (Really, she asked, incredulously? Why wouldn't a trip through the interwebz lead to the decision that we all need to be exterminated? Have you seen some of the stuff that’s out there?) Again, we're not dealing with a fully formed being here. Add to that the fact that he’s immature, volatile and extremely powerful and the Ultron we saw on the screen is the perfect interpretation of the character. Although Vision actually uses the phrase he was born yesterday in the film, most people seem to forget that Ultron really isn't that much older.

What I did love about the film was the character development of characters that, until now, haven't had the opportunity to shine. I thought the whole Hawkeye story was lovely. I loved the fact that he had this secret life, including a pregnant wife and kids, which no one, with the exception of Natasha, was privy to. The idea brought the character to life for me and I couldn't be happier that Marvel decided to go this way. One of the things that fascinated me in the first film was the dynamic between Natasha and Clint. One of my favorite scenes is the one after Natasha performs her 'cognitive recalibration' on him and they briefly hint at their pasts and relationship. It always made me curious, and itching for an origin story for the two of them. Now, more than ever, I would love to see that happen.  

Of course, I can't discuss the film without discussing the newcomers. I think that Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor-Johnson did a fantastic job of bringing The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to life. (Yes, I do think that Quicksilver in DOFP was amazing, but again, I don't think it’s fair to compare as the character was used in two completely different ways in each of the films!) Unfortunately, I had Quicksilver’s death spoiled for me (that’s what I get for reading comments!) so it was slightly less shocking, but nonetheless impactful. In a world where we were all convinced Hawkeye was going to die, it was surprising to see someone else sacrifice themselves for him, especially given everything that was at stake. While there have been rumblings that Marvel doesn't have to keep him dead, I think they will, if only because his death makes The Scarlet Witch a more interesting character. And then, there was Vision… What can I say other than what an amazing introduction of such an iconic character. Paul Bettany’s portrayal was spot on and I cannot wait to see more from him. My big fear, however, is that Thanos is going to be forced to rip the mind gem out of his head in order to complete his matching set, which would absolutely not be good! Of course, the Mad Titan with a full set of gems in the Infinity Gauntlet isn't good either… and I can't wait to see how it all plays out on screen.

A lot of folks really didn't like the Bruce Banner-Natasha Romanoff relationship and found it forced. Personally, it didn't feel forced to me and I understand Natasha's reasons for find Bruce attractive. Everything in her life has been aggressive and violent, so why wouldn't she seek out the one man who wants nothing more than calm and serene in his life? And no, I have no issue with Betty, because it was pretty obvious at the end of The Incredible Hulk that their relationship was over. And don't get me started on the whole 'monster' controversy! She called herself a monster because she's a trained assassin with red in her ledger, people, not because she couldn't have children. Get your heads out of your asses and think, please! 

Also on first viewing, I didn't think there was enough conflict between Tony and Steve leading up to next year's Civil War, something that I was really looking forward to, but I've changed my mind. The fight they have just before Vision is brought to life is pretty knock-down-drag-out. There is definitely something there, no matter how chummy they seemed at the end and I can't wait to see how it all plays out. Yes, I get how some people think it’s hard to care about the stakes, when you know what the plan is for the next 5 years. To them I say, does the end game really matter? Isn't it the journey that’s the exciting part? Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Marvel has now proved, with the death of Quicksilver, that they have no problem changing the game when they need to and I have no doubt they will, provided that it serves the overall story.

Overall, I really liked this film. I think that, with the exception of a few minor issues, it accomplished what it set out to do. It was bigger and bolder than the first, while still telling its own story. Mission accomplished. It moved the MCU forward without compromising (for the most part, anyway) the plot, but still managed to hint at enough to keep even the most casual fan interested. While I don't think that comic book movies need to be dumbed down or should just be considered popcorn flicks, I also don't think they need to explain all the mysteries of the universe, either. As long as a good time is had, that’s all that counts. And I definitely had a good time. (I am also counting down the days to the Blu-Ray release so that I can own it and watch it anytime I want!)

The Avengers: Age Of Ultron            4.5/5

Thursday 21 May 2015

They're Back, Pitches! and So Am I! My Review Of PITCH PERFECT 2!

Yes, I know that it’s been a while. Almost a year in fact, since my last set of posts… and a lot has happened in the last year. I started writing for, which I love, but it has taken up a lot of my free time. (Please, stop by and check it out! Lots of great stuff over there, and some pretty fantastic people, to boot!) That, coupled with my full-time job and the novels that I am currently writing… well, something had to give. Unfortunately, it was my blog! But I’m back now, hoping to eke out some time to review the things that I love (or maybe don’t!) and talk about the news that interests me. Let’s see how long it lasts!

And now, as promised, on to the good stuff…

Back in 2012, I went into my screening of Pitch Perfect expecting nothing but fluff. And that’s okay, because sometimes, fluff is good… and in this case, great. The film was charming and funny and full of heart. And it surprised a lot of people. The film made $115 million at the box office, on a $17 million budget, prompting Universal Pictures to greenlight a sequel. But could the sequel hit all the same notes?

The short answer is, no. While I enjoyed the film, I felt that it was somehow missing that something special that captivated me about the first one. (Now, I will full admit that it may be because I had high expectations for this film). The studio brought back the original cast of the film to reprise their roles, while adding Hailee Steinfeld and a criminally underused Katey Sagal to the mix (I mean, seriously, have you heard the woman sing? She’s incredible!), but were still unable to capture that same magic. The music is fantastic, however, and it’s really worth the price of admission to see the cameo by the Green Bay Packers. Very amusing!

The best character in the film is definitely Rebel Wilson’s Fat Amy. She’s a bonafide scene stealer, and I couldn’t stop laughing during one particular scene where her character gets to do a hilarious solo. She’s got impeccable comic timing and I for one miss her short lived show, Super Fun Night. Yes, I realize that I am probably the only one, but oh, well! I enjoyed the addition of Hailee Steinfeld’s Emily Junk and think that the studio made an excellent choice to continue the franchise. (Because yes, the studio will continue the franchise… the film has made $121 million dollars in the 5 days since its release). One of my favorite films of last year was Begin Again and Steinfeld was a big reason for that. I am excited to see what she brings to this franchise.

Overall, I had a good time with this film. I just think that, for me, it wasn’t able to live up to the awesomeness that was first film. That often happens with sequels. While I don’t think that this film suffered too much by sequelitis, it was a bit of a let-down none the less. A nice addition to the budding franchise, although if the studio chooses not to make another (like that’s going to happen!), I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.

Pitch Perfect 2            3.5/5