Wednesday 19 August 2015

#PitchWars Mentee Profile...

Hello, my name is Erin. Long time lurker, first time (possible!) mentee!

(Okay, that's not actually true, because I just discovered and fell in love with this whole Pitch Wars idea. Which is awesomely cool, by the way! Someone needs to get Brenda Drake a cookie, stat!)

Oh, right, this is supposed to be about me... so, here goes:

I have a bachelor of applied science degree in Kinesiology, so of course, I work in finance. I know, it makes complete sense, doesn't it? Yeah, try explaining it to my mother! But what I really am, is a writer (bet you didn't see that coming, did ya?). I've been writing for as long as I can remember. For my tenth birthday I received a manual typewriter (yes, I am that old!)

Which kinda looked something like this... and may or may not still be somewhere in my parent's basement! I remember being so jealous because my mom had an electric typewriter, where you could go back and actually erase words. And by that I mean, it had a whiteout option that would work backwards, erasing one letter at a time. Did I mention it did this in reverse? Tres cool!

Anyway... I'm a huge geek (if you've clicked on any of my other blog posts you will see this in spades) who collects comic books and loves movies and TV. And when you combine the two... well, I'm in heaven!

I'm sorry, I think I might have drooled on myself a little!

But what you probably didn't know, is that like a superhero, I also have a secret identity! Okay, so it's really not all that secret, because I tell anyone who'll listen, but whatever. My other, other life is as a writer and editor for a very cool pop culture website ( where I put my love and knowledge of geek culture to good use on a daily basis. But the fun doesn't stop there! I also have been known to write an editorial or two, and am a huge advocate for Women In Film (both behind and in front of the camera!) If you want to know what all the fuss is about, I can help you with that:

Why Is Hollywood Such An Old Boys Club? Examining The Role Of Women In Film And The Old-School Traditions Of Hollywood.

Sadly, my blog and movie reviews have fallen by the wayside due to a full-time job, the website work and my current work in progress, but whatcha gonna do? Sometimes there's not enough hours in the day, or funds in your bank account, to do all the fun stuff you want to do.

And now that we've done the serious stuff, it's time for a little Firefly. Because, let's face it, when isn't it time for Firefly?

I think we should call it... your grave! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

Oh, did I mention that I'm a hopeless romantic? Because I am! Totally, unabashedly, 100% in love with a happily ever after. Hence, why I write it. You know how they say "those who can't do, teach"? Yeah, well, apparently those who can't do romance, write about it.

Sad, but true. But the characters in my head keep me entertained, and mostly out of trouble.

My favorite authors include:

Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter (I know you see a pattern developing here, but I promise, I'm trying really hard to read outside of genre!), Ben Galley (see, I told you!) and George R.R. Martin.

As to why you should pick me? Well, because you love my characters as much as I do and want to help get their story to the masses. Or, because you think I'm cool and would love to hang out with me digitally for two months. You know, whichever works for you! 

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