Thursday 11 June 2015

Good Vibrations All Around! My Review Of LOVE & MERCY...

Going in to Love & Mercy, I admit that I knew very little about Brian Wilson. A founding member of the Beach Boys, I knew that he suffered from a mental illness and was the father of Wendy and Carney Wilson, of Wilson Phillips fame, who just happened to be one of my favorite bands as a teenager. That was it. That was the extent of my knowledge on this musical legend.

Holy crap, was I blown away by this film! I mean seriously, you have to check out this movie, if for nothing else than to get a sense of who Brian Wilson was and is. The film consists of two simultaneous stories, one taking place in the 1960's during the Beach Boys heyday and one taking place during a tumultuous time in his life during the 1980's.

Paul Dano is incredible as a young Brian Wilson. We're talking awards season calibre performance here, which I am scared is going to get lost in the shuffle as the year goes on. Not that Dano doesn't shine in everything he does, but here he really, truly does. His performance is understated and yet, at the same time, completely over the top, which I know doesn't make a lot of sense, but will once you see this film. He brings such heart to the character that you can't help but root for him, even when you know that maybe he's not on the right path.

John Cusack is just as fantastic as an older Brian Wilson, at the height of his struggle with mental illness. His performance is truly heart wrenching, in both its scope and subtlety. Another performance that I hope is going to be remembered come awards season, although again, I'm not holding my breath. Elizabeth Banks shines as Melinda Ledbetter, the woman who eventually saves Wilson and Paul Giamatti does what he does best as the creepy Dr. Eugene Landy. Seriously, the cast and their performances are amazing, and definitely worth the price of admission.

Overall the film is an interesting look at an interesting man and the trials and tribulations that make him who he is today. I recommend the film, not only for the unforgettable performance of Paul Dano, but also for the look into the psyche of a musical icon. I came out knowing a whole lot more about Brian Wilson and with a newfound respect for everything that he's accomplished in his life. He is someone who should be celebrated for his musical genius and the best way to do that is to go out and see this film.

Love & Mercy           4.75/5

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