Tuesday 29 April 2014

Spoil, Spoil, Toil and Trouble...

So, huge Star Wars news broke to day, making me giddy and removing some of the ire that has been building since last night. I will get to that part later. First, Star Wars...

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So the official announcement for the cast of the new Star Wars movie was announced today... making this whole thing feel seriously official and real. Yeah, yeah, I know it's been in the works for over a year now, but Disney has been so tight lipped with everything, you had to start to wonder if it was actually going to happen or if it was all just somebody's idea of a big huge joke.

"Hey, George, you wanna see something really funny? Let's announce a new Star Wars movie, a sequel to Return of the Jedi and watch a whole bunch of 40 year olds freak out and wet themselves in anticipation."

Admit it, most of the time, that's what it felt like. So, the news today was welcome indeed. This is a great looking cast, and I like the fact that other than Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, the rest of the cast are smaller, slightly less known names. Minus Andy Serkis, of course! And I think that it was a smart way for Disney and Lucasfilm to go. I do find that sometimes, an actor or actress can take me out of a project, because instead of seeing the character on the screen and getting immersed in their story, I see the actual actor or the actress, which I find completely distracting. This is a talented cast, and it does get the excitement building for this project. This is something that we can grab on to and analyze the crap out of, at least until the next big Episode VII news breaks, that is.

The other bit of news that broke last night, that led to the ticked off me of 24 hours ago, was in regards to Harrison Ford and Han Solo's role in Episode VII. Deadline reported last night, that not only was Oscar Isaac rumored to be in the movie (which turned out to be true!), they also announced that Han Solo was going to have a "gigantic" role in the new film.

Holy crap! That's awesome, right? I mean, more Han Solo (and Harrison Ford, for that matter...) is never a bad thing. Except when you factor in the notion that for almost 35 years now, Harrison Ford has been trying to get Lucasfilm to kill Han Solo off. It's no secret that Ford has never really been partial to the character and would really like for him to go out in a blaze of glory.

This is the part that I have a problem with. I'm a happily ever after kinda gal! There's a reason that I read and write romance novels. They are a guaranteed HEA no matter what. I like it when people walk off into the sunset, preferably hand in hand, to finish out their lives in peace and harmony. I don't need to see the ugly reality and what's going to eventually become of them. This is one of the main reasons I won't be reading the new Bridget Jones book. Bridget and Mark lived happily ever after... Mark didn't drop dead and leave her a widow. It just didn't happen... hence, happily ever after.

So, I stated this fact in a comment on a site, saying that although more Solo is a good thing, I was afraid that it meant he was going to die and I don't like that sort of change. I then referenced the fact that, even after all this time, I was still traumatized by Wash's death on Serenity. I would rather have less Solo, alive, than more Solo, dead. Within a few minutes, I get this response that I really should have warned of spoilers in my post. I was like, ummm, Serenity came out like 9 years ago, so the statute of limitations on spoilers is long past. And this idiot's response.... Well, with Joss Whedon directing the Age of Ultron there might be some people out there who would be interested in watching some of his older work.

What the hell????????

What kind of an argument is that? Do I need to point out that Joss Whedon also directed The Avengers, which came out 2 YEARS AGO, so if you were interested in his other work, you might have checked it out then? Or the fact that Firefly was on 12 years ago and Serenity was released 9 years ago and that, honestly, if you haven't watched either by now, you're really not going to... I mean seriously! What the frak, dude?

So, what? We can't mention thing that happened in movies decades ago, on the off chance that someone out there might still be waiting to see it and doesn't want it ruined? What the hell is that?

Here, let me ruin a few more things for you, moron....

Dorothy gets home. In fact, she always had the power to leave Oz, she just didn't believe it. All she had to do was click her heels together 3 times and say, "there's no place like home." Oh, I'm sorry. Did I ruin that for you? I mean, it's only been 75 years, so I can completely understand how you might have been waiting to watch it...

Here, here's a few more... Bruce Willis was dead the whole time. Kevin Spacey was Keyser Soze. Frodo doesn't throw the ring in the fires of Mount Doom, but it and Gollum end up there anyway. Lotso's the bad guy. Tracy Turnblad gets the boy in the end. Satine dies. ET goes home. Richard Dreyfuss wasn't crazy, the aliens really were real. Charleston Heston was actually on Earth. Tony Stark blows up all the Iron Man suits. George McFly punches out Biff, changing everyone's future... Shall I go on?

I mean, a few weeks ago, just before Captain America was released here in North America, some troll spoiled the fact that SHIELD was Hydra in a chat room over at the AMC YouTube channel. Those are the spoilers that drive me crazy. Not ones that involve movies decades old. If you haven't watched a movie that came out more than 2 years ago, then I think it's pretty fair game. Otherwise, you might want to avoid movie sites... and those of us who actually watch movie that we want to see in a timely manner! I'm just sayin'...

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