Sunday 27 April 2014

May 6, 2016...

So, I'm going to start off with a disclaimer:


I am a MARVEL fan-girl! I don't hate DC or anything like that, but, I just lean more heavily towards Marvel properties. I collect more Marvel comic book titles than I do DC, and I will admit, that I like what Marvel has done with their properties, in regards to their Cinematic Universe way more than anything that DC has done, including Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy.

While I don't detest Nolan's films (it actually takes a lot for me to truly hate a movie. I can usually find something redeeming about just about anything!), I honestly don't see the big deal. I think maybe it's because I don't like my superheroes so firmly grounded in reality. I mean, isn't the point of being a superhero not being a regular guy or gal? To me, while The Dark Knight was a good movie, I feel that both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises are way over-rated. Okay, granted, I have only seen all of them once, but for me, it was enough. (That doesn't stop me from owning them, but that's a completely separate issue!) And don't get me started on Man of Steel... Again, I feel that this was just an all right movie. Nothing special. While I think that Henry Cavill makes a beautiful Superman, I was not impressed with Amy Adams as Lois Lane (which is crazy, cause it's AMY ADAMS for goodness sake!) or the overall story arc. And it has nothing to do with Kal-El killing Zod... I get that part, and I think that it was a very powerful moment... even though it was cut a little short. My main problem was that more than half the movie was people punching each other through buildings and watching things blow up. I mean, if that's what you were going to turn your Superman into, then why didn't you just get Michael Bay to direct it?

Anyway, I digress... this post is not supposed to be about what I dislike about DC movies...

This post is my thoughts on this game of chicken that DC and Marvel are playing over May 6, 2016. For those who are reading this (you know, the 2 of you that aren't my mom) and don't know what the heck I'm talking about, I'll explain. Marvel had scheduled an as yet to be named title for release on May 6, 2016,  a while ago, which has now been revealed to be Captain America 3. Well, during all of this crap that's been going on over at Warner Brothers in regards to this Man of Steel sequel, the WB decided to push back it's release date from the summer of 2015 to May 6, 2016. (Don't get me started on the debacle that this Justice League World's Finest Man of Steel sequel is turning into!)

Looks like we've got a bit of a conflict of interest here, gentlemen! And a seriously high-stakes game of chicken to boot.

As of now, it seems that neither Marvel nor the WB is looking at moving their movie. Kevin Feige has actually come out and said that Marvel is not moving, period, (granted, Mr. Feige is not the be all and end all over there at Disney, so what eventually happens remains to be seen), and the WB, while not quite as adamant, doesn't look like it's going to make a move any time soon, either.

So, what does this mean?

Well, for starters, it means that 2016 is shaping up to be an interesting year for movies! It also means that, if, on the very highly unlikely chance that neither of these guys blink, that May 6, 2016 is going to be a very busy day for me! :)  But honestly, what it really means is diminishing returns for both of these films, a hit right in the box office, if you will. And all because the respective heads of each of these companies have decided to have a pissing contest. Yes, there are many fans out there, like me, who would do a double feature and see both on the same night, or maybe both on the same weekend. But let's face it, we, as sweaty movie nerds (copyright to @JohnCampea over at AMC Movie Talk), are in the minority when it comes to these sorts of things. It's expensive to go to the movies here in Canada ($12.95 for a regular ticket, more if you want to do Ultra AVX, 3D or Imax) and there are a lot of people who are very selective in what they choose to see. It makes this whole thing a no win situation, no matter how you look at it.

Even though they had the date first, if I was up to me at Marvel, I would move the Captain America movie, probably forward, into April 2016 (a release date similar to the Winter Soldier date this year). First off, it makes you look like the bigger man, because even though you had the date first, you're acknowledging the significance of Batman vs. Superman, without actually coming out and saying it. Cause let's face it, even though I'm not super excited about it, the Man of Steel sequel is going to mop the floor with anything else that is released along side it. Secondly, you just proved, with the fantastic Captain America: The Winter Soldier, that as long as you make a great movie, it honestly doesn't matter what the release date is (with a few exception, of course!). Cap 2 has just recently become the highest grossing movie ever released in April. Why not see if you can beat that record by making and releasing an even better movie 2 years from now?

Anyway, that's my 2 cents on the whole thing. If you want to hear other opinions on this topic, below are a couple of links to my two favourite places for movie news: AMC Movie Talk and the Schmoes Know Movie Show. I encourage you to check these guys and gals out.  AMC Movie Talk Schmoes Know Movie Show

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