Wednesday 30 April 2014

Schmoes Choice... Making Me Feel Inadequate Since 2013!

I've always considered myself a huge movie buff. For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed nothing more than going to the movies and immersing myself in the stories and worlds created by filmmakers. Some of my most vivid memories involve trips the the theatre. I remember my dad taking my brother and I to the movies for the very first time. I couldn't have been more than 5, making my brother 4. He took us to see Superman: The Movie. I remember the scene where Lois Lane falls out of the helicopter and Superman catches her so vividly, I could swear I was actually there. I remember my mom taking my brother and I to see ET: The Extra Terrestrial, twice actually (once when we were on vacation and once when we got back home), and being so worried that ET was going to die and so happy and yet sad, when he finally got to go home. I remember falling in love with the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi and wanting, so badly, to live on Endor (my love for the Ewoks has wained some in the years since I was 8 years old, mind you!). I remember Toon Town and Roger Rabbit. Bambi, Willow, Aladdin, The Karate Kid, Beetlejuice, The Princess Bride. I remember going to see Dirty Dancing, twice, even though my mom expressly forbid me to see it. I remember falling in love with Kevin Costner's Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, seeing it all 3 nights that it played in the local theatre. I lived in a very small town, where going to the movies was what you did. Film has always been a big part of my life.

There was a time when, within the first 30 seconds of a movies opening credits, about 90% of the time I could tell you what that movie was, whether I had actually seen the movie or not. This talent seems to have diminished somewhat over the years, and I`m probably at about 60% or so now... Still, I consider those pretty good numbers.

The guys over at Schmoes Know play a game called "Schmoes Choice" (a riff on the movie Sophie's Choice, where Meryl Streep had to choose which of her children would live, and which one would die), where you have to choose between 2 movies. One to keep and the other to be erased from history. And believe me, sometimes this is a really difficult decision. (By, the way, if you haven't checked out the Schmoes, you really need to. I will post links at the bottom of the page. You should really check them out! Funny and informative... what more could you ask for?)

But what it's really shown me is just how much of a film buff I am not!

I have to say, when the options are given, more often then not, I have never seen one of the movies that they are choosing between. And occasionally, I haven't seen either of them. (Makes me feel a little like @KenNapzok). I mean, honestly, how can someone who considers themselves a film lover have not have seen The Godfather? Cause, I haven't. I have also never seen Caddyshack, Goodfellas, Schindler's List, Pulp Fiction or Casablanca. The list goes on, and on, and on. The last Martin Scorsese film I saw was The Age of Innocence, back in 1993. What is up with that? Seriously? I think it's time to make a concentrated effort to actually become the movie buff I thought I once was. It's time to go back and see the movies that I've always wanted  to see, or know that I should see. Instead of reaching for The Incredibles, ET, The Princess Bride, Return To Me, X2: X-Men United or The Avengers (movies that I honestly couldn't tell you how many times I've seen over the years. These are my usual go to movies, whenever the mood strikes!), it's time I broaden my horizons and actually watch something new... well, at least new to me.

Again, if you haven't checked out the Schmoes, you really need to. Just follow the links... you won't regret it! :)

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