Wednesday 30 April 2014

Schmoes Choice... Making Me Feel Inadequate Since 2013!

I've always considered myself a huge movie buff. For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed nothing more than going to the movies and immersing myself in the stories and worlds created by filmmakers. Some of my most vivid memories involve trips the the theatre. I remember my dad taking my brother and I to the movies for the very first time. I couldn't have been more than 5, making my brother 4. He took us to see Superman: The Movie. I remember the scene where Lois Lane falls out of the helicopter and Superman catches her so vividly, I could swear I was actually there. I remember my mom taking my brother and I to see ET: The Extra Terrestrial, twice actually (once when we were on vacation and once when we got back home), and being so worried that ET was going to die and so happy and yet sad, when he finally got to go home. I remember falling in love with the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi and wanting, so badly, to live on Endor (my love for the Ewoks has wained some in the years since I was 8 years old, mind you!). I remember Toon Town and Roger Rabbit. Bambi, Willow, Aladdin, The Karate Kid, Beetlejuice, The Princess Bride. I remember going to see Dirty Dancing, twice, even though my mom expressly forbid me to see it. I remember falling in love with Kevin Costner's Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, seeing it all 3 nights that it played in the local theatre. I lived in a very small town, where going to the movies was what you did. Film has always been a big part of my life.

There was a time when, within the first 30 seconds of a movies opening credits, about 90% of the time I could tell you what that movie was, whether I had actually seen the movie or not. This talent seems to have diminished somewhat over the years, and I`m probably at about 60% or so now... Still, I consider those pretty good numbers.

The guys over at Schmoes Know play a game called "Schmoes Choice" (a riff on the movie Sophie's Choice, where Meryl Streep had to choose which of her children would live, and which one would die), where you have to choose between 2 movies. One to keep and the other to be erased from history. And believe me, sometimes this is a really difficult decision. (By, the way, if you haven't checked out the Schmoes, you really need to. I will post links at the bottom of the page. You should really check them out! Funny and informative... what more could you ask for?)

But what it's really shown me is just how much of a film buff I am not!

I have to say, when the options are given, more often then not, I have never seen one of the movies that they are choosing between. And occasionally, I haven't seen either of them. (Makes me feel a little like @KenNapzok). I mean, honestly, how can someone who considers themselves a film lover have not have seen The Godfather? Cause, I haven't. I have also never seen Caddyshack, Goodfellas, Schindler's List, Pulp Fiction or Casablanca. The list goes on, and on, and on. The last Martin Scorsese film I saw was The Age of Innocence, back in 1993. What is up with that? Seriously? I think it's time to make a concentrated effort to actually become the movie buff I thought I once was. It's time to go back and see the movies that I've always wanted  to see, or know that I should see. Instead of reaching for The Incredibles, ET, The Princess Bride, Return To Me, X2: X-Men United or The Avengers (movies that I honestly couldn't tell you how many times I've seen over the years. These are my usual go to movies, whenever the mood strikes!), it's time I broaden my horizons and actually watch something new... well, at least new to me.

Again, if you haven't checked out the Schmoes, you really need to. Just follow the links... you won't regret it! :)

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Spoil, Spoil, Toil and Trouble...

So, huge Star Wars news broke to day, making me giddy and removing some of the ire that has been building since last night. I will get to that part later. First, Star Wars...

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

So the official announcement for the cast of the new Star Wars movie was announced today... making this whole thing feel seriously official and real. Yeah, yeah, I know it's been in the works for over a year now, but Disney has been so tight lipped with everything, you had to start to wonder if it was actually going to happen or if it was all just somebody's idea of a big huge joke.

"Hey, George, you wanna see something really funny? Let's announce a new Star Wars movie, a sequel to Return of the Jedi and watch a whole bunch of 40 year olds freak out and wet themselves in anticipation."

Admit it, most of the time, that's what it felt like. So, the news today was welcome indeed. This is a great looking cast, and I like the fact that other than Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, the rest of the cast are smaller, slightly less known names. Minus Andy Serkis, of course! And I think that it was a smart way for Disney and Lucasfilm to go. I do find that sometimes, an actor or actress can take me out of a project, because instead of seeing the character on the screen and getting immersed in their story, I see the actual actor or the actress, which I find completely distracting. This is a talented cast, and it does get the excitement building for this project. This is something that we can grab on to and analyze the crap out of, at least until the next big Episode VII news breaks, that is.

The other bit of news that broke last night, that led to the ticked off me of 24 hours ago, was in regards to Harrison Ford and Han Solo's role in Episode VII. Deadline reported last night, that not only was Oscar Isaac rumored to be in the movie (which turned out to be true!), they also announced that Han Solo was going to have a "gigantic" role in the new film.

Holy crap! That's awesome, right? I mean, more Han Solo (and Harrison Ford, for that matter...) is never a bad thing. Except when you factor in the notion that for almost 35 years now, Harrison Ford has been trying to get Lucasfilm to kill Han Solo off. It's no secret that Ford has never really been partial to the character and would really like for him to go out in a blaze of glory.

This is the part that I have a problem with. I'm a happily ever after kinda gal! There's a reason that I read and write romance novels. They are a guaranteed HEA no matter what. I like it when people walk off into the sunset, preferably hand in hand, to finish out their lives in peace and harmony. I don't need to see the ugly reality and what's going to eventually become of them. This is one of the main reasons I won't be reading the new Bridget Jones book. Bridget and Mark lived happily ever after... Mark didn't drop dead and leave her a widow. It just didn't happen... hence, happily ever after.

So, I stated this fact in a comment on a site, saying that although more Solo is a good thing, I was afraid that it meant he was going to die and I don't like that sort of change. I then referenced the fact that, even after all this time, I was still traumatized by Wash's death on Serenity. I would rather have less Solo, alive, than more Solo, dead. Within a few minutes, I get this response that I really should have warned of spoilers in my post. I was like, ummm, Serenity came out like 9 years ago, so the statute of limitations on spoilers is long past. And this idiot's response.... Well, with Joss Whedon directing the Age of Ultron there might be some people out there who would be interested in watching some of his older work.

What the hell????????

What kind of an argument is that? Do I need to point out that Joss Whedon also directed The Avengers, which came out 2 YEARS AGO, so if you were interested in his other work, you might have checked it out then? Or the fact that Firefly was on 12 years ago and Serenity was released 9 years ago and that, honestly, if you haven't watched either by now, you're really not going to... I mean seriously! What the frak, dude?

So, what? We can't mention thing that happened in movies decades ago, on the off chance that someone out there might still be waiting to see it and doesn't want it ruined? What the hell is that?

Here, let me ruin a few more things for you, moron....

Dorothy gets home. In fact, she always had the power to leave Oz, she just didn't believe it. All she had to do was click her heels together 3 times and say, "there's no place like home." Oh, I'm sorry. Did I ruin that for you? I mean, it's only been 75 years, so I can completely understand how you might have been waiting to watch it...

Here, here's a few more... Bruce Willis was dead the whole time. Kevin Spacey was Keyser Soze. Frodo doesn't throw the ring in the fires of Mount Doom, but it and Gollum end up there anyway. Lotso's the bad guy. Tracy Turnblad gets the boy in the end. Satine dies. ET goes home. Richard Dreyfuss wasn't crazy, the aliens really were real. Charleston Heston was actually on Earth. Tony Stark blows up all the Iron Man suits. George McFly punches out Biff, changing everyone's future... Shall I go on?

I mean, a few weeks ago, just before Captain America was released here in North America, some troll spoiled the fact that SHIELD was Hydra in a chat room over at the AMC YouTube channel. Those are the spoilers that drive me crazy. Not ones that involve movies decades old. If you haven't watched a movie that came out more than 2 years ago, then I think it's pretty fair game. Otherwise, you might want to avoid movie sites... and those of us who actually watch movie that we want to see in a timely manner! I'm just sayin'...

Monday 28 April 2014

Wonder Twin Powers Activate... Or, You Know... Not...

So, it appears that a Justice League movie is on it's way... and it's not actually the Man of Steel sequel set for release in 2016. Who would've guessed?

According to the Wall Street Journal, the President of Warner Brothers, George Silverman, has confirmed that a Justice League movie is in the works. It appears that it will be the WB's next big release after the Man of Steel sequel, or Batman vs. Superman, or World's Finest, or Justice League Light, or whatever you want to call it, in 2016. That means that it will be at least 2018 before we actually see this happen.

So, to say that I'm excited, would be an over-statement of huge proportions. Does that mean that I don't want the movie? Hell no! I think it'll be amazing to see these characters on the big screen together for the first time. I mean, Super Friends was a huge part of my childhood. (But please, regardless of my title, no Jayna and Zan!) And, if this all works out, is going to be a huge, huge, epic movie.

But here's where the problems lie... First off, this will be the third... count 'em, third... DC movie to be directed by Zack Snyder, in a row. You've got to be a huge Zack Snyder fan to welcome this news, and in case you missed it, I'm not. Sure, Zack Snyder is a great visual director, but I need more than great visuals in my comic book movies. What's the point of putting all of these great characters together, if you're not going to do anything with them, except throw them through buildings? One of the reasons that The Avengers was such a great movie, in my opinion, is because Joss Whedon is really great at creating and building character dynamics. (All you have to do is watch a season of Buffy or all of Firefly to see this... which, if you haven't, I highly recommend!) And, what makes the Marvel Cinematic Universe so great, and diverse, is that they have chosen a different director for each of their movies so far. While each of the movies in the MCU have the same overall "feel", if you will (because they are all overseen by Kevin Feige and need to head in the same direction to eventually get where they need to go), each character and film has their own unique tone and style, brought on by the different directors that helm each project. It will be interesting to see what happens with The Age of Ultron and Captain America 3, as these will be the first Marvel properties, aside from the first 2 Iron Man movies, that are directed by the same directors. But again, I digress...

Secondly, although we are now talking 2018, for some reason this feels rushed to me. I mean, the WB couldn't even manage to get the Man of Steel sequel out on time, after the big announcement at last years Comic-Con. Once they realized how premature it was to actually announce it, solely in a effort to one-up Marvel, they were forced to push the release date back almost a full year. It seems to me that, instead of having a distinct plan and acting on it, that the WB is flying by the seat of it's pants, trying to do anything to stop the juggernaut that is Kevin Feige and his MCU vision. What they seem to forget is that, unlike their own situation, Kevin Feige set course to this vision back in 2008 and has methodically been ticking off the boxes as we go along. I mean, between now and May 6, 2016, when the WB is set to release the Man of Steel sequel (the second move in it's Cinematic Universe), Marvel will have released four... again, count 'em, four, new movies! (And that's not including the fantastic Captain America: The Winter Soldier from earlier this month!) That, my friends, is why, in my opinion, it's not possible for the WB and it's DC properties to ever catch Marvel. Marvel keeps chugging along, full speed ahead, while DC is spinning it's wheels.

While I am intrigued by the idea, and I do wish the WB and DC well, I can't say that I am overly excited at the whole prospect. While it would be very cool, as a comic book fan and a self-proclaimed geek, to have an epic battle of Marvel vs. DC on the big screen (numbers wise, I mean... I'm not a fan of the cross-over idea at all!), I will reserve judgement until I actually see what they do with the Man of Steel sequel. If it's anything like the original, for me, this just might be a short ride.

Below are some links to the original article, and the opinions of some people, who are way smarter than me!  Original Wall Street Journal Article  Second Wall Street Journal Article  Schmoes Know Article

Sunday 27 April 2014

May 6, 2016...

So, I'm going to start off with a disclaimer:


I am a MARVEL fan-girl! I don't hate DC or anything like that, but, I just lean more heavily towards Marvel properties. I collect more Marvel comic book titles than I do DC, and I will admit, that I like what Marvel has done with their properties, in regards to their Cinematic Universe way more than anything that DC has done, including Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy.

While I don't detest Nolan's films (it actually takes a lot for me to truly hate a movie. I can usually find something redeeming about just about anything!), I honestly don't see the big deal. I think maybe it's because I don't like my superheroes so firmly grounded in reality. I mean, isn't the point of being a superhero not being a regular guy or gal? To me, while The Dark Knight was a good movie, I feel that both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises are way over-rated. Okay, granted, I have only seen all of them once, but for me, it was enough. (That doesn't stop me from owning them, but that's a completely separate issue!) And don't get me started on Man of Steel... Again, I feel that this was just an all right movie. Nothing special. While I think that Henry Cavill makes a beautiful Superman, I was not impressed with Amy Adams as Lois Lane (which is crazy, cause it's AMY ADAMS for goodness sake!) or the overall story arc. And it has nothing to do with Kal-El killing Zod... I get that part, and I think that it was a very powerful moment... even though it was cut a little short. My main problem was that more than half the movie was people punching each other through buildings and watching things blow up. I mean, if that's what you were going to turn your Superman into, then why didn't you just get Michael Bay to direct it?

Anyway, I digress... this post is not supposed to be about what I dislike about DC movies...

This post is my thoughts on this game of chicken that DC and Marvel are playing over May 6, 2016. For those who are reading this (you know, the 2 of you that aren't my mom) and don't know what the heck I'm talking about, I'll explain. Marvel had scheduled an as yet to be named title for release on May 6, 2016,  a while ago, which has now been revealed to be Captain America 3. Well, during all of this crap that's been going on over at Warner Brothers in regards to this Man of Steel sequel, the WB decided to push back it's release date from the summer of 2015 to May 6, 2016. (Don't get me started on the debacle that this Justice League World's Finest Man of Steel sequel is turning into!)

Looks like we've got a bit of a conflict of interest here, gentlemen! And a seriously high-stakes game of chicken to boot.

As of now, it seems that neither Marvel nor the WB is looking at moving their movie. Kevin Feige has actually come out and said that Marvel is not moving, period, (granted, Mr. Feige is not the be all and end all over there at Disney, so what eventually happens remains to be seen), and the WB, while not quite as adamant, doesn't look like it's going to make a move any time soon, either.

So, what does this mean?

Well, for starters, it means that 2016 is shaping up to be an interesting year for movies! It also means that, if, on the very highly unlikely chance that neither of these guys blink, that May 6, 2016 is going to be a very busy day for me! :)  But honestly, what it really means is diminishing returns for both of these films, a hit right in the box office, if you will. And all because the respective heads of each of these companies have decided to have a pissing contest. Yes, there are many fans out there, like me, who would do a double feature and see both on the same night, or maybe both on the same weekend. But let's face it, we, as sweaty movie nerds (copyright to @JohnCampea over at AMC Movie Talk), are in the minority when it comes to these sorts of things. It's expensive to go to the movies here in Canada ($12.95 for a regular ticket, more if you want to do Ultra AVX, 3D or Imax) and there are a lot of people who are very selective in what they choose to see. It makes this whole thing a no win situation, no matter how you look at it.

Even though they had the date first, if I was up to me at Marvel, I would move the Captain America movie, probably forward, into April 2016 (a release date similar to the Winter Soldier date this year). First off, it makes you look like the bigger man, because even though you had the date first, you're acknowledging the significance of Batman vs. Superman, without actually coming out and saying it. Cause let's face it, even though I'm not super excited about it, the Man of Steel sequel is going to mop the floor with anything else that is released along side it. Secondly, you just proved, with the fantastic Captain America: The Winter Soldier, that as long as you make a great movie, it honestly doesn't matter what the release date is (with a few exception, of course!). Cap 2 has just recently become the highest grossing movie ever released in April. Why not see if you can beat that record by making and releasing an even better movie 2 years from now?

Anyway, that's my 2 cents on the whole thing. If you want to hear other opinions on this topic, below are a couple of links to my two favourite places for movie news: AMC Movie Talk and the Schmoes Know Movie Show. I encourage you to check these guys and gals out.  AMC Movie Talk Schmoes Know Movie Show

In the beginning....

All right, here I go, back in to the world of blogging. It's been a long, long time since I did this (the last time was back in the days of myspace... am I ageing myself?)

Anyway, this is a forum for me to throw out my thoughts and opinion on things that matter to me. Maybe they matter to you, maybe they don't... but that's what makes the world go round! :)

So, I hope that you'll join me in my journey. Because as, when asked if he thought it was a bad idea, Robin Williams' Armand, instead of saying yes or no, says "But let me tell you why..."