Friday 20 June 2014

Random Bits From The Week That Was...

It's that time again... Friday! So, you know what that means... my thoughts on the bits that I was too lazy to write about, or you know, didn't actually require a full post...

Couple of Surprises At The Weekend Box Office...

So, it turns out that people were really looking forward to 22 Jump Street. The sequel landed at the number one spot at the box office this past weekend, pulling in $57.1M. How To Train Your Dragon 2 debuted at number 2 with $49.5M. I found this a bit of a surprise, as family movies usually kill at the box office, and HTTYD2 is a spectacular film. I guess the bromance between Hill and Tatum was enough to draw the adults to the R-rated flick. Maleficent is holding strong in the number 3 spot with $18.5M, it's 3 week total now at $163M. Edge of Tomorrow, due to great word of mouth no doubt, was in the number 4 spot with $16.5M and The Fault In Our Stars sank like a stone to land in the number 5 spot with $14.8M, down about 70% from it's opening weekend. While I caught the film last weekend, and enjoyed it, I was the only one in the theatre on Sunday afternoon... literally. It was just me, all by my lonesome self, which was kind of weird, but whatever. I guess the films audience flocked to it in it's opening weekend, and without a great deal of re-watchability, the numbers definitely reflected that. It was also fantastic to see Edge of Tomorrow holding it's own in this busy summer season, as the film is fantastic. With not much competition opening this coming weekend, I am interested to see how the numbers for all of these films play out.

Final Trailer For Apes On Horses Debuts...

20th Century Fox has released what it is referring to as the final trailer for the upcoming Dawn of the Planet of The Apes, and holy crap, is it amazing. The trailer is a great mix of footage we've already seen, and a touch of new, just enough to offer the perfect amount of interest and excitement. I am so looking forward to this film, it's not even funny. The first one was so amazing, that if this one even comes close to being as good, we're in for a serious treat. I'll definitely be checking this one out on opening night.

Dr. Strange Finds It's Scribe...

Hot on the heels of the news that Scott Derrickson would be directing Marvel's Dr. Strange movie, the studio announced that Prometheus writer, John Spaihts is in talks to pen the script. While I admit, I have not seen Prometheus yet, so I therefore cannot have an opinion one way or another about that film, I do find this news very intriguing. By getting Derrickson and Spaihts to helm this project (if that's the way that this all eventually turns out, mind you), it appears that Marvel is interested in taking this project in a new, and exciting direction. Dr. Strange is a dark and twisted character, and it looks like Marvel is wanting to keep it that way. All I can say is, I'm in! In Feige, I trust.

Marvel Drops A Second International Trailer For Guardians...

The studio released a new, international trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy earlier this week and all I can say is, it's absolutely stunning. Going for a slightly more dramatic feel, this trailer shows off some of the depth that I think the movie will be bringing to the big screen when it's released in August. While I enjoyed the first two trailers, they were mostly focused on the comedic aspects of the film, which I think was a little off-putting to some people. This trailer shows that, like the other properties in the MCU, this one should also be a nice mix of comedy, action and drama. I am highly anticipating this film and cannot wait for it to be released in a few weeks.

And Then There Was Aquaman...

So, it is being reported by The Hollywood Reporter that Jason Momoa is confirmed as Aquaman for the upcoming Justice League film  Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice film, slated for release on May 6, 2016. While Momoa wouldn't be my first choice for the normally blonde superhero, I understand Warner Brothers motivation. Aquaman has always been the Justice League character that has been ridiculed and scoffed at, so I understand the need to hire an imposing presence to play the character. And Momoa definitely fits the bill. While I'm still not completely sold on this film and what exactly it's going to be, I am intrigued to see the final product. One of two things is going to happen: either the film will be great, like the recently released Days of Future Past, or it will be a train-wreck of epic proportions like The Amazing Spiderman 2. I guess we'll see...

Next Bourne Film Pushed Back A Year...      

Universal has pushed it's next movie in the Bourne Franchise back to July 15, 2016 in order to make room for their upcoming N.W.A. biopic Straight Outta Compton, which is moving into the August 14, 2015 date. Rumours are swirling, however, that the studio has ulterior motives for the move. According to Latino-Review (via Schmoes Know), the real reason for the push-back is so that the studio can get Matt Damon back in the fold of the franchise. Damon has had a couple of so-so performances at the box office recently, and his return to the franchise might be what he needs to turn things around. I like this news, as I think that the Bourne Legacy did a great job of expanding the universe and it would be amazing to see Aaron Cross and Jason Bourne on the big screen together, kicking ass and taking names.

Don't Worry! The Batman Is, Apparently, On His Way...

When Nikki Finke's supposed scoop broke about the upcoming slate of DC films going to be released by Warner Brothers over the next few years, one of the things that stood out to me the most was the fact that there was no solo Batman flick listed. Fear not, fans of the Caped Crusader! According to Latino-Review (again, via Schmoes Know, because if you haven't guessed by now, that's where all of my movie news comes from!), Warner Brothers has slated a new Batman stand-alone film for release in 2019. As I speculated in my article about Finke's scoop, the delay is most likely due to Affleck's busy schedule. He is currently filming BvS, which will then lead into the Justice League film. That gives him late 2015/early 2016 to direct his next project, the gangster flick Live By Night, before he has to don the cape and cowl once again. It will be interesting to see if the WB hands the directorial reigns to him for the Batman project as well, although I would think it would be a no brainer on their part. You don't have a guy with Affleck's talents in your back pocket and not use him to his full potential. 

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